Niall helped us speed things up with his

I tried out some new ideas - for example these angled
stator mounts.
Sean did most of the welding - Thanks Sean!

There were
20 magnets and 15 coils connected
in parallel to the rectifier on the turbine.

Weather started out wet and got radically better during the week so it
ended up a bit hot.

Here Jimmy of Eirbyte is hooking on the Tirfor to the gin pole to take
down Flor's
machine that we built last year.
Jimmy and Miriam have a load of nice big Tirfors for sale.
Perfect for wind turbine towers.

This new one was the biggest machine I have built in a course situation
and I was
delighted by how slow and quiet it was on test.
We got up to 500 watts and more at times in a very light wind.

I have increased the angle between the tail and the axis of the
This is to help the turbine face the wind more directly when we don't
want it to furl.

Taking her down.
There are a lot more photos on the other pages.