Monkey point trip

It's pretty idyllic out at Monkey point. Apart from the army base
and the signs warning you not to abuse the children.
It's actually a complex community with many issues to deal with,
including international political jockeying over a Panama-canal bypass.
Here below is Lillian supervising the community to lower the wind
turbine for inspection and maintenance.

Down comes the bE 12 foot turbine, installed in 2007. It powers
the school, and two households.
Soon it will also be providing battery-charging services for up
to ten local households.

Below Dave and Casey replace the tail vane. Some minor
damage. Plywood usage seems to be fraught with problems in this

The first day or so was very wet and muddy but not too hot. Below
is Lillian's house.

Intrepid pioneer of wind energy in Nicaragua,
Guillaume Craig below

Adjusting the bearings and the stator position on site.
Don't stand on the ants ' nest.

We put epoxy on the threads, but I prefer threadlock to be
honest. Working in Nicaragua means always using the wrong stuff.

We arrived in the Panga (left) using 2 x 30 Hp outboards and 30 gallons
of fuel.

On the way home passed these friends towing a boat that had run out of

And their livestock on board :-)

We towed the boat the rest of the way. blueEnergy seems to have
to do a lot of rescue work.